Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an approach to health and wellbeing that has been refined over thousands of years. It encompasses various forms of treatment including Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and nutritional guidance.
TCM is both an art and a science, combining rigorous understanding of disease patterns and treatments with the importance of insight and intuition. Within this holistic modality the individual is seen as a dynamic, interconnected system where physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health mutually affect one another.
Treatments may benefit a wide range of health conditions, whilst also providing ongoing support in times of good health to optimise wellbeing and prevent disease developing. Some examples of conditions that treatments may support include –
• Hormonal health: Period pain, pre-menstrual stress, menopausal symptoms, pregnancy support, pre-conception care, IVF support, HRT adjustment.
• Digestive health: IBS, bloating, Crohn’s, nausea, heartburn.
• Emotional and mental wellbeing: Stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue.
• Structural health: Neck/back pain, sciatica, headaches.
Acupuncture encourages the body’s innate self-healing process to take effect by regulating the flow of Qi. ‘Qi’ can be thought of as our animating life force and interconnects all body systems through the Meridian channels. When Qi becomes blocked or stuck due to many possible factors such as stress, injury, overwork or poor diet, disease can arise and symptoms manifest.
Treatments involve inserting super-fine sterile needles at specific points along the meridians, encouraging the Qi throughout the body to regulate. Through treating the surface of the body in a gentle and non-invasive manner, change can be affected internally that supports both relief of symptoms and strengthens resilience for disease prevention.
Acupuncture needles are hair-fine and often are only mildly felt. Some points around the body may be more sensitive though your practitioner will make every effort to ensure your comfort. Overall, the experience of acupuncture tends to be enjoyable and relaxing, helping balance and ‘reset’ your system.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
The use of Chinese Herbs enhances and complements Acupuncture treatments, providing ongoing support between appointments.
There are many different herbs used including extracts of roots, fruits and seeds. These are combined into classical formulae to address a wide range of health issues including fatigue, digestive issues, pain, menopausal symptoms, anxiety and stress.
Herbal remedies are often administered in pill and capsule form which are effective and easy to take. Granules or raw forms of herbs are also available as required or requested. Clients are prescribed a formula according to individual needs identified by symptom assessment and tongue and pulse diagnosis.