Heidi George, Remedial Massage Therapist
Dip. Remedial Massage
Cert. Pregnancy Massage
In line with the ethos of Healthpoint, Heidi recognises that true healing comes from addressing all areas of one’s life. She has ten years of experience as a Massage Therapist, and her therapeutic aim is to affect healing and recovery. She uses a combination of deep soft tissue, mobilisation, remedial, and whole body balancing techniques, allowing the body to relax and self heal.
Heidi’s interests in yoga, postural alignment and mind/body awareness inform her practice, and enable her to give practical, knowledgeable advice to her clients. Those who receive regular massage therapy benefit from reduced muscle tension, increased blood and lymphatic fluid circulation, toxin release, improved sleep patterns and better digestion.
Heidi holds a Diploma in Remedial Therapies from the Australian College of Natural Medicine, and a Certificate in Pregnancy Massage. She has completed studies in Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute and she attends biannual Yoga workshops. She is a member of the Australian Association of Massage Therapists.