Dr Jaclyn (Jackie) Atkinson, Osteopath / Clinic Director
BA Dip Ed, BHSc, MHSc (Osteo)
Grad Cert Paeds
Jackie is passionate about all aspects of life, including her chosen profession, Osteopathy. She derives satisfaction from improving lives in a holistic and natural way.
Jackie has always been interested in people; in how they learn and evolve over time. Before studying Osteopathy she was a secondary school teacher. She then taught Anatomy at Victoria University while undertaking her Osteopathy degree.
In addition to her Masters on Reflective Practice, Jackie has a Graduate Certificate in Infant and Neonatal manual therapy, and has completed further study in the cranial field, biodynamics, and the role of primitive reflexes on postural wellbeing.
Jackie enjoys working with families, helping them understand developmental patterns, motor coordination and sensory integration. When working with children, she sees educating the parents or carers as integral to the treatment. She is skilled with newborns who may have feeding concerns, torticollis, irregular head shapes or “colic” like symptoms.
Jackie has extensive experience, and qualifications, in Osteopathy. She is well versed in the traditional Osteopathic philosophy; the interrelationship between structure and function, and the understanding of a holistic view of the body.
The wellbeing of her patients is Jackie’s driving force. Healthpoint is the vehicle through which she can positively affect the health of as many people as possible.
Prior to Heathpoint, Jackie lived and worked in rural Victoria and New Zealand. She has two children and enjoys an active lifestyle in the local community. Jackie loves relaxing with her family and friends, laughing, running, yoga and being in the great outdoors.