Staying Healthy; the Value of a Tune-up


We are all guilty of forgetting about our bodies until they demand attention. Pain and discomfort are difficult to ignore. A couple of appointments with the Osteo and we’re feeling normal again. Until the next time.

We can avoid the “next time” by booking in for regular tune-ups. Just like we do with our cars. They may be running well, but we stick to the regular servicing schedule to address the issues we can’t see, hear or feel. To stop any small issues becoming big ones.

Our bodies also work better with regular maintenance. Reduced tension, increased energy, mobility and flexibility, better posture, immune system support, and a sense of calm are just a few of the benefits.

Osteopathy works on the premise of treating the body in a holistic manner. Any compensatory patterns associated with overuse, trauma (acute and chronic), detrimental postural habits and ergonomics can affect optimal musculoskeletal function, not only at one point in the body but to many other associated regions. Osteopaths are trained to recognise these patterns.  By using manual techniques they can effectively decrease tissue pain and tension. This in turn can make us become more aware of our bodies, to understand how we can make changes to optimise the way we feel. (Dr Jaclyn Atkinson)

Speak to your practitioner about a tune-up schedule; she will be able to advise based on her knowledge of you and your body.

Or just wait for the “next time”.


Osteopathy and Chronic pain


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