Healthpoint Osteopathic Clinic

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Vestibular Migraines

Vestibular migraines are a type of migraine that primarily involves vertigo or dizziness, rather than the typical headache. 

Cause: A type of migraine often related to changes in the brain's chemistry and nerve pathways. Triggers may include stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, and weather changes.

Here are some common symptoms associated with vestibular migraines:


  1. Dizziness or Vertigo: A spinning sensation, imbalance, or lightheadedness.

  2. Nausea: Often accompanied by dizziness.

  3. Sensitivity to Motion: Difficulty with movements, especially head movements.

  4. Migrainous Headache: Some patients may experience headaches, but not all.

  5. Tinnitus: Ringing or buzzing in the ears.

  6. Visual Disturbances: Blurred vision or sensitivity to light.

  7. Fatigue: General tiredness or lethargy.

How Osteopathy May Assist:

Osteopathy focuses on the musculoskeletal system and employs various hands-on techniques to enhance health. Here’s how osteopathy may help individuals with vestibular migraines:

  1. Biomechanical assessment : By understanding the connecting anatomy, Osteopaths can use direct (Soft tissue, manipulations) or indirect approaches (balanced membranous/ligamentous techniques, muscle energy techniques)  that  may help improve blood flow, ease muscle tension, relieve pressure on cranial nerves, and address imbalances of habitual postural tension. Understanding the anatomical connections around the jaw, neck, temporal bones, face are essential to effective treatment. 

  2. Vestibular Rehabilitation: Targeted exercises may help improve balance and reduce dizziness.

  3. Stress Relief Techniques: Osteopathy often includes techniques that promote relaxation, which can help reduce the frequency of migraines.

Osteopathic treatment requires full personal assessment for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.